I’ve decided to start blogging daily (or darn close) as of January 3, 2010. I’m giving it three months, and I’ll reevaluate then.
I’ve been thinking about it for a few months, and when I saw this video, I stopped thinking and decided to do it.
What This Means for You
For you, I hope this means even more opportunities to participate in your professional community through dialogue in the blog’s comments and other places the feed appears (e.g. Twitter, Facebook). I also hope it means you’ll learn more, be challenged more, and have more fun doing your job.
If you are subscribed to this blog via email, it means you’ll get a daily email from me, most often between Noon and 3:00 p.m. Eastern (9:00 a.m. – Noon Pacific). Of course, I don’t expect you to read every single one, but I hope you’ll find the content useful enough that the daily email is something you look forward to and that it doesn’t become overwhelming.
If the daily email is too much, unsubscribe using the links at the bottom of the email, and subscribe to my weekly e-newsletter instead. In addition to fresh content, I will also provide a weekly blog review in that e-newsletter, so you can go back and catch up on anything in the blog you missed the previous week.
If email isn’t your thing, follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook where the blog posts also appear usually within an hour of posting. I’m also on Alltop’s Nonprofit Page. (I highly recommend you create a your own page at Alltop with your favorite blogs. I use my Alltop page way more than Google Reader now.) Of course, you can always subscribe to the RSS feed directly, too.
What This Means for Me
When I ask myself, what is the one thing I wish I spent more time on professionally, I always come back to blogging.
I love writing. I love how blogging lets me advance my own thinking on topics, one post at a time. I love how it lets me sort through, analyze, and share what others are doing and saying about specific topics. I love giving nonprofit professionals who don’t have their own platforms, via guest posts, a place to share what they are doing and learning. I love hearing what you think about what I think, even when you think I’m completely wrong.
It all moves the conversation forward and ultimately adds to the growth and maturity of our profession, especially for small nonprofits, which is what Nonprofit Marketing Guide is all about.