Do you write your direct mail appeal letters in-house? Do you wish you had access to a direct mail expert and a community of other nonprofits working on their appeals so you could learn best practices and bounce ideas off of them?
If so, you need to join us for our Direct Mail for Small Nonprofits E-clinic starting February 18th.
During this two week e-clinic, fundraising and direct mail expert extraordinaire Tom Ahern will guide you through the process of creating a direct mail appeal package. Tom goes over everything with you, from your SMIT — Single Most Important Thing you want the donor to know — to how to format the letter down to fonts and margins.
You’ll also be part of a private Facebook group where you can post your questions anytime and learn from Tom and the other nonprofits participating. These groups are often the favorite part of the e-clinic for participants. In fact, previous participants are still actively posting to their Facebook groups – asking questions, getting feedback, and giving encouragement to each other long after their clinic was over.
In addition to the support you’ll receive from Tom and the other participants, you’ll receive over six hours of training and personal coaching via webinars with Tom.
During the first week, Tom will teach two webinars where he’ll show you how to produce an appeal letter that works even with a relatively small mailing list. Please note that these webinars will NOT appear on our regular schedule. The only way to attend them is to register for this e-clinic.
Then, we’ll hold four coaching sessions, where each participant will have an opportunity to submit a draft letter for Tom’s review. You can watch as Tom not only improves your letter, but the letters of everyone else in the e-clinic too.
Every session will be recorded in case you can’t make a session live, or want to go back over certain sections.
Because each participant will get personal attention, we have to limit the e-clinic to 24 nonprofits. And we do sell-out.
Register Now to join us!