So far, that’s included going to my yoga class and putting a very happy shade of bright pink on the tootsies. I also ordered a bunch of stuff from the Kindle store . . . and where is that brown truck with my new Kindle?
I also sprawled out on the futon in my office and did some planning. I like thinking big about what I’m doing here at Nonprofit Marketing Guide. Correction, I LOVE IT. And yet, I rarely get to do that, because I’m too busy, well, just DOING it. Sound familiar?
Taking a little time to figure out what I’m doing here in the next few months is actually fun and enjoyable for me. I’ve been planning to write a couple of new e-books, but hadn’t really outlined them yet or figured out ways that my assistant could help me make them even better.
So I did that this afternoon, and I’m really excited about both of them, which I’ll release in May. Tentative titles are The Do-It-Yourself Communications Audit Kit for Nonprofits and 101 Ideas for Nonprofit Writers. I worked out the release schedule and how I will tie them into the weekly webinar series. And, yes, I really do find this kind of thing fun. (Note how I did not spend time getting to inbox zero today. Tempting, but not fun.)
And now, I’m going to take a nap, before my kids and husband get home with the chocolate cake!
P.S. I just noticed that this blog finally broke through the 3,000 subscriber mark today! Bonus birthday present. Thanks for being here!