Charity: Water has done it again  – they’ve sent another incredibly effective progress report email. (See past examples I loved here and here.)

Here’s what I love about this . . .

  • It reminds me that I gave money and they say where that money is going, plainly and simply.
  • It gives me perspective on how long it takes for projects like this to happen, and shows me where we are in that process. This seems to be a new addition to these emails.
  • Then, and only then, it gives me the specifics about the project. Without the context provided by the first two points, I would probably ignore this level of detail.
  • It promises more progress reporting and communication.

So simple, so brilliant.

Can you do something like this?


Charity Water Email

Published On: March 6, 2013|Categories: Email Marketing, Fundraising, Writing Skills and Content|