Get Nonprofit ClientsMy first professional love is working with nonprofits on their communications and marketing — training, advising, and coaching them — I think of it as the sweet life.

My second love is helping others who want to live that sweet life too by dedicating their consulting or freelancing careers to serving the nonprofit sector like I do. We need more consultants and freelancers who “get it” if we are all going to keep changing the world for the better.

That’s why I founded a side project called Get Nonprofit Clients about a year ago.

It’s mostly a blog, but I do offer a group coaching program, as well as individual coaching for consultants who need to work on their own marketing strategies.

I’ve just opened registration for the second session of the Get Nonprofit Clients Group Coaching Program, which starts October 5, 2015.

The 7-week intensive program is all about developing a marketing strategy that works for who you are as a consultant or freelancer, and that works within the nonprofit sector. Yep, nonprofits are different from businesses and government agencies in many, many ways, including the kind of marketing they are more and less likely to respond to.

Here are the details:

Get Nonprofit Clients Coaching Program

Improve Your Marketing to Attract More Nonprofit Clients, in Seven Weeks

October 5 – November 20, 2015

Designed to help owners of consulting and freelancing businesses at all stages, from start-up to expansion,
grow their business, so they can live their own versions of the sweet life.

Early Bird Registration 8/24 – 9/18 — Save $300

Regular Registration 9/19 – 10/2

Get All the Details and Register



Published On: August 24, 2015|Categories: Communications Team Management, Relationships, and Boundaries|