Here is another submission for our Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Communicator – Quarantine Edition. Let’s see how everyone else is doing out there adapting.
Melissa’s Bio:
Melissa Kuper is the Public Information Officer/Family Liaison at Spectrum360. She leads the internal and external communications, community and media outreach, and marketing for the Spectrum360 organization and its programs. She is responsible for increasing brand awareness, community engagement and support for the organization and each individual program.
And this is her typical work day while quarantined:
Before 8:00 a.m. Do you immediately grab your phone when you wake up? Are you taking the dog out? Breakfast with the family? Do you get dressed right away?
I have two kids so my day begins with changing diapers, feeding the boys breakfast, having a cup (or two!) of coffee and hopefully exercising.
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m Are you on the computer now or getting the kids set up with their school work? Dressed yet? Zoom meetings with colleagues?
I look at my calendar to see how the day pans out. If it is a meeting-free day, I mentally prepare for a writing day. I use this time to start to think about pitches or stories that I would like to bring to market.
If my day is filled with meetings, I use this to respond to emails, review and finalize any communications, and prepare notes, so I can be prepared for and dedicate my attention to the meetings.
10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. Are you still on schedule for the day? What systems are you using to stay organized? Is someone else in your house also working from home? How are you getting along? Dressed yet?
My two kids can get anxious so I often take a walk around 1030 then get their 11am lunch ready.
I am able to respond to additional emails and send any follow ups that are needed.
What time is it even? Are you hungry or just bored? Why is 6th grade math so different now? Did your significant other really just say “let’s circle back” on that call? Are you dressed yet?
The rest of the day is a combination of working in between nap times, school work, play time outside, snack time.
I try to load my meetings during the 1-3pm time period as my youngest is napping and my oldest gets to watch a show (or two)

Nap Time. What else is there to do? If you got dressed, do you get undressed for your nap?
I wish I could nap. I use any quiet time for exercise or have a meeting.
Now, it’s really time to work. Did you finish everything you needed to do?
I often try to accomplish the easy tasks during the day. I prioritize more complicated projects for evening hours because I can be efficient and effective in those hours.
Wine O’Clock. White or red? Guess you don’t have to get dressed…
Unfortunately this hour is now my dinner time. Kids need to eat at 5:30pm so we as a family use this time together.
My husband and I may every once in a while set the kids up in front of TV and have a glass of wine together just to see how each other are.
Thanks for sharing, Melissa!
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