Last week, I was a little bored and thought it would be funny to give our Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Communicator series a quarantine spin. I wasn’t sure anyone would actually participate so I was delighted when people started filling out the form.
BUT my quarantine brain (that’s a thing, right?) forgot to add a place on the form for a name and an email address so I have no idea who said what…
Except for Rachel Braver who sent me her bio and headshot! (Thanks, Rachel!)
These were pretty great to read and see how all of you are adapting. I have included the form again at the end of this post (with a place for name and email address!) and would love to hear from you too!
Rachel’s bio:
I am the Multimedia Specialist working on web, social media, print, and email communications for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our work is essential, but I am able to work remotely most of the time. We have never been this busy in 45 years of service with increased demand for food, plus the challenge of finding new, changing ways of communicating to donors, volunteers and clients.
And this is her typical work day while quarantined:
Before 8:00 a.m. Do you immediately grab your phone when you wake up? Are you taking the dog out? Breakfast with the family? Do you get dressed right away?
I used to be at my office desk around 6:00 am to avoid commute traffic. Now I roll out of bed just before 8:00, and hop into a shower before my commute to the guest room.
Today I decide to put on my jeans and let their judgmental waistband keep me in line.
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m Are you on the computer now or getting the kids set up with their school work? Dressed yet? Zoom meetings with colleagues?
Around 8:00 am, I sign on to Slack (for my team), Outlook, and Microsoft Teams (for the rest of the office), then open my shared Google Doc of tasks to make notes of completed work.
I head to the kitchen to put on water for tea.
If no one has an urgent request, I take a 10-minute walk up and down the street to get fresh air and sunshine.
10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. Are you still on schedule for the day? What systems are you using to stay organized? Is someone else in your house also working from home? How are you getting along? Dressed yet?
My partner is out of work because of the pandemic. He just discovered the new Nine Inch Nails album, so I close the door, take a deep breath and turn up my Spotify “Totally Stress Free” playlist.
I field requests including posting about our drive-thru food distributions on social and creating a giving page for a new donor match.
In between donation reporting and reading about the senior restaurant meals program, I answer a few requests for help with food in our Facebook Messenger.
What time is it even? Are you hungry or just bored? Why is 6th grade math so different now? Did your significant other really just say “let’s circle back” on that call? Are you dressed yet?
After thinking I will make myself an abundant salad – I am home after all, with time for such things! – I wrap some hummus in a tortilla instead, and eat at my desk while adding a new pantry to our online stats form. Then ask local partners to share our drive-thru post.
Around 1:30, it’s approaching meeting time. We have a bi-weekly Zoom editorial meeting to get on the same page with the rest of my team and Development on the upcoming messaging in the e-newsletter. This always ends with a longer to-do list, so I am ready for a break.
Nap Time. What else is there to do? If you got dressed, do you get undressed for your nap?
Around 3:00, I drag my partner on a walk. Our normally busy street is more quiet during this time. I will miss this when “Shelter in Place” is lifted.
Now, it’s really time to work. Did you finish everything you needed to do?
I flip to the “Mood Booster” Spotify station, then check for email requests that came in while we were out. Make edits to our weekly supporter email for the group to review, and call it a day (save the evening social media requests for help with food).
Wine O’Clock. White or red? Guess you don’t have to get dressed…
Even with the added work and later hours, I’m more rested without the 36 mile commute, so dinner-time is less of a chore.
I pour an adult beverage and get started on the evening’s pantry gourmet recipe of creamy vegan penne with veggies.
We’ll eat on the couch while watching DVR or Netflix, but the Instagram post will look much more glamorous.
Thanks so much for sharing Rachel!
If you already shared your day, please let me know who you are by emailing kristina [at] nonprofitmarketingguide [dot] com.
And if you would like to share your day now, just fill out the form below:
Can’t see the form? Try this.