head-to-head-pairsOK, I don’t really know what I am calling this thing.




Compare & Contrast


Something along those lines.

Whatever we end up calling it, we are planning a series of blog posts and tip sheets that look at the communications of two national nonprofits working in the same space.  Where are the strategies in sync? Where do they diverge? What can you learn from it?

We started this process today during a webinar, and will continue it through the summer.

You can see the 11 pairings we are currently tracking in the graphic above.

What other pairs would you like to see added? The pairs need to have something about their mission or structure in common, even if they are on opposite sides of a debate or serve a slightly different target audience (eg girls versus boys), and should be national organizations.

Add your nominations in the comments, and help me name this friendly competition too!



Published On: June 7, 2016|Categories: General|