Nonprofit Communications Director Mentoring Program2025-03-11T20:17:43-04:00

Registration Will Open for the July – December 2025 Session in May

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Nonprofit Communications Director Mentoring Program

If you are overwhelmed, you aren’t alone.

It’s what I hear day in and day out . . .

“There is never enough time to do everything we need to, much less what we’d like to.”

“We are feeling overwhelmed with all the possibilities and different things we could be putting energy into.”

“There are so many channels to consider, evaluate, and decide to pursue (or not) – it is overwhelming.”

“We are spread so thin already and our workload is increasing.”

But you are excited too, right?

You are thrilled by the potential to do more . . .

“I am creating content that excites our community in new and inventive ways.”

“We’re starting to get momentum, and it will be fun to see what this yields as we’re increasingly more strategic.”

“We are reinventing the way we connect with our donors and prospective donors.”

“For the first time ever, we are going to plan out our communications, and stick to that plan!”

Can you be both overwhelmed and excited by your job simultaneously? Of course, you can!

It’s kind of like being a first-time parent. You are completely overjoyed about the little bundle of love and see a great future ahead, only to by stymied by the weight of responsibility for managing every little detail for someone who is completely dependent on you for every single thing – on three hours of sleep a night.

Nonprofit marketing is like that too . . . you are expected to be a superhuman with the skills of ten different professionals (writer, editor, designer, psychologist, IT geek, volunteer manager, PR maven . . . ) while juggling a constantly shifting and ever-growing to-do list. But you stick with it, because you know it’s so important, and because you love it!

I Get It. I’ve Been There.

I learned nonprofit marketing on the job too.

My college degree is in environmental sciences and city planning, not nonprofit management or marketing.

Kivi Leroux Miller

Kivi Leroux Miller

When I started my consulting business in 1998, I thought I’d make a living as a freelance writer and editor for environmental organizations. I’d worked for the federal government, for a small foundation, and had served on boards and volunteered with numerous nonprofits. I saw plenty of need for a good writer who understood both the issues and the nonprofit world.

But within a matter of months, clients were asking if I could not only write their newsletter, but lay it out too. And could I get bids from the printer while I was at it? And convert it to a PDF and put in on the website? Could I not only whip up a press release, but call a few reporters too?

Before long, I was updating website copy, digitally cleaning up photos, and designing web pages. I went from reviewing The Elements of Style to setting styles in PhotoShop, PageMaker, InDesign, and DreamWeaver. I thought more about the rules of HTML and PHP than the rules of good grammar. Soon I was not only implementing tactics for clients, but also creating their marketing strategies, drafting their communications budgets, and attempting to calculate return-on-investment for all of this work.

For a few clients, I became their entire communications department. I either had to do it myself or, in a few cases, find very reasonably priced subcontractors to help me out, or the work wouldn’t get done. It certainly wasn’t a perfect solution for me or for my nonprofit clients, but we made it work, because it was the only option.

Sound familiar?

Over the next decade, I learned how to be that nonprofit marketing department of one. I experimented all the time, producing both successes and failures, but always learning. I spent more money than I care to admit on software, handbooks, and training courses to learn all I thought I needed to know, some of which was priceless, some of which was a complete waste of time and hard-earned cash.

In 2007, I decided to transition from primarily consulting to primarily training. I launched, which led to the publication of the book, The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause in 2010.

We also began surveying nonprofit communications professionals and releasing the annual Nonprofit Communications Trends Report, a vital community resource on the state of our profession.

My second book, the award-winning Content Marketing for Nonprofits: A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money, was released in September 2013. My third book, CALM not BUSY — a framework for managing nonprofit communications teams — was published in 2018.

In 2020, we released the culmination of several years of research and practical experience in the Nonprofit Communications Strategic Planning Card Deck, which is essentially a planning handbook in card deck form. The second edition of The Nonprofit Marketing Guide came out in 2021. (If you don’t already have them, all three books and the card deck are included with your Mentoring Program registration.)

We also continue to publish one of the top blogs on nonprofit communications several times a week.

2025 marks the 17th year of our webinar series and the 14th year of this mentoring program!

I love nonprofit marketing — and sharing that love with you.

I’ve done it myself. I’ve taught thousands of nonprofits how they can do it themselves. I wrote three books on it. I’m also a Certified Executive Coach.  I have a huge network, so if there is something I haven’t done, I can always find people who have done it, and who are willing to share their advice.

I can help you learn your job, love your work, and lead your team as a nonprofit communications professional. 

Training is great,
but it’s not enough.

You are left to figure out how to apply what you’ve learned on your own.

Thousands of nonprofits have attended our webinars, and we know they are helpful, because the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. But there’s a problem with training alone.

Figuring out how to take a best practice and make it work in your unique situation can be difficult. I know that taking that next step after getting our training can be challenging, because you’ve told me so . . .

“It’s hard to move beyond the great training you provide . . .  what I really need now is help applying it.”

“It’s not enough to know the best practices. I need someone to show me how to implement them and how to deal with specific problems within my organization.

“After I get training, I always think, Is this right for us? Should we do this? What’s most important?”

Consulting isn’t the
right answer either.

You need to learn how to do this yourself.

You might think that hiring me or someone else as a consultant is the answer to this dilemma. That sometimes works, but for many nonprofits (yours?), it’s not the right answer either. First of all, it’s expensive. My bare minimum consulting engagement is $5,000, and is more often $20,000 – $30,000. Many nonprofit marketing consultants and agencies charge much more . . . much, much more.

And it doesn’t solve the problem, because YOU need to learn how to make strategic decisions, and to build marketing into the core of your nonprofit’s operations.

That’s not something a consultant can do for you — you have to build your skills as a nonprofit marketing professional and do that yourself. But it’s hard! Sometimes you need an extra pair of eyes to look at your work more critically, so you can improve it. Sometimes you want someone who you can bounce ideas off of, or someone who will let you talk through what you are thinking to find the right solution.


What You Really Need is a Mentor.

I think of mentoring as a combination of training, advising and coaching. Through training, I tell you how to do it. With advising, I share suggestions for how to apply that training to your specific situations. Through coaching, I help you find your own insights and solutions to your marketing and fundraising problems.

Via this Mentoring Program, I do all three with you.

Here’s how I define my job as your nonprofit marketing mentor:

  • Providing an experienced set of eyes to help you see more clearly  . . . often the answers are in front of you, but you are so buried in the details that you can’t see them

  • Giving you concrete feedback on your work — where it is falling short of the best practices, and  constructive advice on how to make substantive improvements

  • Helping you prioritize and focus on what’s most likely to work best, and what’s most important

  • Showing you how to customize best practices for your unique situations

  • Encouraging you to think more creatively about your nonprofit marketing approaches

  • Challenging you to experiment, so you can find what genuinely works for your nonprofit

  • Providing a framework that keeps you moving forward, instead of getting bogged down

  • Identifying ways to work smarter and faster, without burning yourself out

How the Mentoring Program Works

We’ll be in regular communication with each other,
ensuring you get the personal attention
you need, when you need it, for six months.
You’ll also be in touch regularly
with the full group of 16 nonprofit comms pros.

  • “Get to Know Each Other” Introductory Calls

    We’ll schedule a call to get to know each better. During the private call, we’ll discuss your personal and professional goals for this program. This is where you can explain to me in what ways we need to customize the program to work best for you and your nonprofit. On our first group call, you’ll get to know the other participants in the program so that we can get started on the work together.

  • Monthly Materials for Each Core Topic

    For each of the six core topics, you’ll get access to a new set of monthly materials that include everything you need to make progress on that particular topic quickly, with recommended reading, additional resources, and worksheets for you to apply the learning.  The materials are organized so that you can select assignments that will improve your marketing and communications immediately, while also showing you where to head in the future. I want you to work on the tasks that will be most helpful to your organization now. But we also want you to see where the gaps are in your current marketing approaches and help you get some insights into what you should work on in the coming years, well beyond the Mentoring Program itself.

  • All-Access Pass to Webinars, Master Classes, Jump Starters, and More

    Your registration includes six months of the All-Access Pass to our training calendar, including webinars, Master Classes and Jump Starters. You also get full access to our downloads and e-courses, as well as our private online community. (Already paid up on the Pass? We’ll discount your registration fee accordingly.)

  • Free Copies of Four Books and the Communications Strategic Planning Card Deck

    If you don’t already own copies, we’ll send you free copies of my three books (The Nonprofit Marketing Guide, Content Marketing for Nonprofits, and CALM not BUSY) as well as your own set of the Nonprofit Communications Strategic Planning Card Deck. We’ll also send you Kindly Review: The Secret to Giving and Receiving Feedback to Make Your Ideas Great by Dawn Crawford. Each month, we’ll share suggested readings from the books, but you are not expected to read them all the way through during the program.

  • Two 90-Minute Group Calls Each Month

    On our two monthly calls, I’ll provide about 30 minutes of training  and discussion on our monthly topic, tailored to the participants in the mentoring program. The remaining 60 minutes of the call will be led by participants. We all have something valuable to share with each other, so this time is often used to share experiences or expertise, or to ask for advice or feedback from the group.  This allows you to offer your knowledge and experience to others, while also tapping into the group to help you work through your own marketing and fundraising challenges.

    Call dates are selected after checking everyone’s availability. You’ll be sent a poll with possible dates for the first two calls a few weeks before the program starts. All group calls will be recorded so you can review them later.

  • One-on-One Calls with Kivi

    In addition to the group calls, once or twice a month, you and I can talk privately about your work and your progress, addressing any specific issues that are coming up, answering any questions you have, keeping you on track with the program, and making any personal adjustments that may be needed.

  • Unlimited “Quick Questions”

    I’ll be here for you in between our scheduled calls too. Participants can send me unlimited “quick questions” via email, phone calls, or direct messages. I’m happy to take 10 minutes to look over a draft, to answer a question, or to help you find a good resource, whenever you need it.

  • Private Online Community

    Within our larger private online community, the Mentoring Program has it’s own space. It’s where we can network, share, motivate each other, and problem solve together, as a group. You’ll receive the link to join when you register.

Mentoring program man

The Core Topics We Cover, Month by Month

Articulating Your Strategy 

We’ll start with getting clarity about your “why.”  Why are you communicating? What can great communications accomplish for your nonprofit?

Defining and Understanding Who You Are Communicating With 

The biggest time waster in nonprofit marketing is focusing on the general public. There is no such thing. You need to focus on the specific groups of people who are most important to your success. We’ll work together on defining who those people are by creating personas, and then we’ll get to know those groups even better.

For those of you working on fundraising, this will primarily be your donors. For those working on community engagement, this could be any combination of program participants, supporters, and influencers.

Refining Your Messaging and Calls to Action 

Unclear and confusing messaging is a plague that spreads quickly, because we often try to be everything to everyone. With specific audiences in mind, we’ll work on creating compelling messages and clear calls to action so you know exactly what you are supposed to be saying in your communications.

For those of you working on fundraising, you work mostly on messaging for your “ask, thank, report” cycle with donors. For those working on community engagement, we’ll explore a variety of calls to action you can use (in addition to donating) to inspire and motivate your community.

Finding the Right Personality for Your Communications

One of the easiest ways for your nonprofit to stand out is to stop acting like a monolithic organization and start acting like a band of passionate people working toward a mutual goal. We’ll work on letting the people you communicate with see who you are and what you stand for by getting your style, voice, and tone right.

Your work this month will be directly connected to the work you did in the previous months.

Mapping Out Your Communications Plan/Editorial Calendar 

We’ll figure out what kind of content you should be producing to best serve your target audiences and your nonprofit, and where and how often you should be distributing that content.

Using Online Marketing Tools Effectively 

All the beautiful words and visuals in the world won’t help you if you aren’t using online marketing tools effectively. We’ll get into the nitty gritty details of your website, email, and social media to make sure you are using those tools as effectively as possible.

If you are focused on fundraising, we’ll pay extra attention to email appeals and your website donation pages. If you are focused on community engagement, we’ll pay extra attention to social media tools.

Look What We Can Accomplish Together

Success Stories from Recent Participants

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s this really going to be like?2021-10-26T11:13:00-04:00

This mentoring program will help you learn ways to do your job better, to avoid being pulled in so many directions, to have more confidence in your decisionmaking and implementation, and to ultimately love your job even more.

This can be a lonely and frustrating job, where you often feel like you are wandering alone in the wilderness. Working together, we’ll not only draw some great maps for moving forward, but I suspect we’ll make some great friends along the way too.

Is this just for communications directors/managers?2022-10-17T18:40:14-04:00

Yes, mostly. Regardless of your actual title, I want to work with the one person within your nonprofit who is primarily responsible for marketing decisions and implementation. I realize that this work is often shared by several people, but this mentoring program is really designed for a person whose primary job (and career goals) are centered on nonprofit marketing.

If you are a development director, but do most of the communications work at your nonprofit, we welcome you to join us.

If you are an executive director, let’s talk first. Executive directors usually find this program overwhelming. Let’s talk first to make sure it is a good fit for you. If you have some communications help, and communications work is central to your mission and job as the executive director, and not just a “nice to have” addition, it may work out.  You can reach me at

Regardless of the size of your organization overall, the program is designed for the relatively small communications department. Most of the people who go through this program are either a team of one, or they are managing a team of up to 5 or 6 people, or are somewhere in the middle. If your communications team is more than 7 people, let’s talk first. You may want to pursue private coaching for you and your team instead.

You are certainly welcome to share materials with others on staff, and co-workers are welcome to sit in on our private monthly consulting calls occasionally. You will also be eligible for discounted All-Access Passes for others on your team. However, to keep the group focused and cohesive, I ask that just one person from your nonprofit participate on the monthly group calls and in the private online community.

I live outside North America. How do you handle language and time zone issues?2021-10-26T11:11:25-04:00

I welcome applicants from around the world with three caveats:

(1) The program will be conducted in English.

(2) My experience is primarily with organizations based in North America, or international organizations with large North American donor bases. The content and advice will reflect this experience.

(3) The monthly group calls typically take place between the hours of 12:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern (GMT -4/5, same time zone as New York City). If that means you can’t make the live group calls because it will be the middle of the night where you are, you’ll need to invest extra time into connecting with group members in other ways (e.g. the online community). Individual calls with me can be scheduled in the early morning or evening Eastern time.

How much does the Mentoring Program cost?2021-10-26T11:15:50-04:00

I’ll be honest with you  . . . it’s not as affordable as our All-Access Pass to our webinar series and e-books. But it’s much less expensive than working with me one-on-one. For what you will receive during the six months of the mentoring program, I would charge an individual organization at least $20,000, and probably more.

But because of the way the program is structured, I can provide this six-month mentoring program to you for just $3,600, which can be paid online in 6 monthly installments of $600. If you can pay your full fee upfront, you can save $600 and pay just $3,000. Either way, a deposit of $600 is required to hold your place when you register and that will be applied to the full payment due.

This six-month program is all or nothing  . . . to ensure that we establish a solid working relationship, that you get the support you need, and that the group builds continuity and trust, each participant must commit to the full six-month program. No partial registrations will be allowed.

This is an investment in you, and in the future of your organization. The return on that investment could be ten-fold in less than a year, because you’ll learn how to work much more efficiently, how to make better decisions, and to more wisely spend the resources you do have. I bet you’ll also be much happier in your job, saving your nonprofit the high cost of replacing you.

As with everything we do, your registration comes with a full money-back guarantee. If after completing the full mentoring program, including the majority of group and individual calls, you decide it wasn’t worth the money, simply request a refund within 30 days and we’ll process it right away.

Are there scholarships?2021-10-26T11:13:29-04:00

No, we do not provide scholarships for this professional development program. All of our clients are nonprofit professionals, so there is no “nonprofit discount.” We appreciate that you may have to plan your budget over a year or more to take the program. We promise, it’s worth it!

When do I need to register? Will it sell out?2021-02-13T19:06:25-05:00

We have room for 16 people in each session. Sessions typically sell out a week or two before the program begins. To ensure your spot, we encourage you to register early! We will typically note how many seats are left at the top of the page in the final weeks of registration.

How often does the program run?2021-02-13T19:15:31-05:00

The Mentoring Program runs twice a year, every year. The Early Session is from January to June and Late Session is from July to December.

Registration for the Early Session opens in October of the previous year. Registration for the Late Session opens in April.

I have vacation or work trips scheduled. What about extended time off during the program?2022-04-20T09:21:21-04:00

Six months is a long time, and it’s perfectly reasonable to expect that you will be unavailable at different times throughout the program. The same goes for Kivi, who also takes vacations and has extended work trips.

We always poll the group for the best group call times, trying to ensure that everyone can participate live in at least one of the two monthly group calls. We record all the calls for anyone who has to miss a call.

That said, we do encourage you to attend as many group calls as possible. The program’s greatest benefits come from the group call interactions with each other. If you only listen to the recordings throughout the whole program, you’ll miss out on a great deal of the benefits.


Mentoring program woman

More Reviews from Mentoring Program Participants,
in Their Own Words

Kivi is an invaluable resource.  The formal curriculum and training are stellar, and she also provides key insights and knowledge in coaching sessions and even in casual conversation – she has an amazing command of nonprofit marketing.

 It is also very helpful to be part of a cohort that is doing similar work and that can provide feedback and ideas.  Participating in the Mentoring Program helped my organization approach communications more strategically and make key decisions.”

Tracy Jefferson, Associate Director of Development, So Others Might Eat (SOME)

I cannot say enough good things about Kivi’s Mentoring Program!

I participated in the program at my previous organization (a small nonprofit) where I was responsible for the entire communications program. I am now responsible for online engagement at a national nonprofit and apply everything I’ve learned every day.

As a marketer, it is easy to get caught up in daily tasks and forget about your ultimate goals. Kivi’s program forces you to take a step back and work on the foundation of a successful marketing strategy – goal setting, target audience analysis and building strong messages.

Kivi’s relationship with her mentees does not stop after the course. She truly cares about the success of her mentees and is always available to provide additional guidance.”

~ Chris Copley, Director of Marketing, American Kidney Fund

“I’m no stranger to professional development tools. I try my best to stay in touch with the latest and greatest, but often I come away from webinars, blogs and articles about best practices feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. This program helped me determine what “best practices” are truly best for our organization. Every nonprofit is different, and instead of feeling like I was always behind after watching a new webinar, I came away feeling like I know what my organization needs to do to be successful in communications.”

~ Aubrey Brennan, Marketing & Communications Manager, Green Bay Botanical Garden

“Part confidant, part mentor, part tour guide, part teacher, Kivi is an amazing resource for nonprofits of all sizes.

She’s one of the recognized leaders in the nonprofit marketing space and combines her experience and network to benefit each member of her Mentoring Program.

Kivi’s class lets you know you are not alone and how you stack up to others, and to many, that’s the most important takeaway of all.”

~ Sean King, Director of Marketing and Communications, Youth Education in the Arts

“As I transition into a new professional opportunity, I specifically wanted to let you know that I’m so grateful for my participation in the Mentoring Program. Everything I learned and all of the resources you shared are being put to good use in my new role.

The content you provided has been critically helpful in guiding and affirming many of my decisions and next steps. Thank you so much for offering a program and an environment that helped me feel completely capable of taking on this adventure, and for supporting our industry and professional discipline!

~ Stasha Carrasquillo, Chief Marketing Officer, Turnstone Center

“I feel much more equipped and ready to accomplish the communications/marketing work at my school! My knowledge and abilities have moved to the next level by learning the techniques and best practices through this program.

I now have all of the necessary tools and resources to methodically and logically develop a marketing plan, collaborate with other departments and communicate effectively the mission of our organization. I’m a much more confident director!

I wish I would have taken this course years ago! The resources, expert advice, and the confidence I gained are worth far more than the cost of the program. Kivi and team provided a perfect balance of instruction, homework, dialogue and hand holding.

~ Kim Rice, Director of Communications and Marketing, Fort Bend Christian Academy

“The Nonprofit Marketing Guide Mentoring Program for Communications Directors is an experience I continue to benefit from. During the mentorship itself, I learned important and innovative communications skills, both from Kivi and from the other professionals in my cohort.

By the end of the mentorship, I had not only new skills and techniques that I could implement immediately into my day-to-day work, but I also had a sense of confidence in my competence as a communications director that I had never before experienced.

Now, two years later, I continue to draw on what I learned during my mentorship, I continue to tap my cohort for inspiration and support, and I continue to feel confident in my career and my capacity for excellence.  I cannot recommend the mentorship program enough.”

~ Helen Frank, Director of Communications, NYC Outward Bound Schools

“You know how it is when you buy a gym membership and you swear that this time you’ll go every day, but then reality hits and you never go? Well, for me, being a part of the mentorship program was like going to the gym, but having paid the extra bit to have that personal coach so I would go.

Being a part of this program channeled my attention on the content in a way that just buying the book couldn’t. That extra accountability helped me move along in the process and dig deeper.

The group sessions reminded me that I wasn’t alone in this struggle and the challenges I had were actually universal. The feedback I got from the group helped me feel more confident in my abilities.

For all these reasons, I am grateful.”

~ Elisabeth Bocklet, Marketing and Communications Director, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County

“After participating in the mentoring program, my confidence has soared. I feel more ready to put myself out there, be a leader, and be willing to make (and learn from) mistakes. This program has helped me focus my efforts, given me insight into my work, and has fed my confidence in what I do from day to day.”

~ Jenna Czaplewski, Director of Communications, Coalition for Children, Youth & Families

“I feel very confident now that I have had the opportunity to learn from Kivi and the others in the group. The program has had an impact on the other directors in my organization appreciating my knowledge and education and building trust in my abilities. While on staff calls, I often bring up relevant information just discussed in the mentoring program that relates to something we’re currently struggling with, and it has helped move things along quicker, rather than assigning someone to figure out how to make it happen. It has improved our outgoing messaging, and has led to overall system improvements through the audit of our communications tools and discovering we were not being as effective as possible.

~ Emily Roush-Bobolz, Communications Manager, Hemophilia Federation of America

“Kivi’s mentoring program is useful for experienced and new communications pros. The opportunity to workshop with other comms directors, under Kivi’s guidance, was very helpful. Kivi provided me the tools, the resources, and access to a network of other nonprofit professionals that is invaluable in my work.”

~ Kitty French, Donor Communications Manager, Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio 

“Kivi and her Mentoring Program provided me with the tools, resources, and expertise to think critically and strategically about my work.

The one-on-one calls were so valuable because I could ask Kivi about specific challenges and get smart responses based on her incredible wealth of knowledge. I always came with a list, and Kivi helped me tackle every question I had. She’s incredibly patient and knowledgeable, and it really was an honor working with such a leader in the field.

Additionally, having candid conversations about my work was in so many ways therapeutic. It was incredibly validating to know so many other people have had similar frustrations or challenges, and (more importantly) have found solutions for them.

 Since the program, I’ve continued to implement what I’ve learned.  I can evaluate where I am today, what needs improvement, and where I’d like to be. And, even better, I now have the tools and confidence to get there. Definitely worth the investment!”

~ Rosie Aquila, Communications and Marketing Manager, Iona Senior Services

“The Mentoring Program gave me renewed focus and energy for my job, along with the tools needed to get it done. My job responsibilities and team size have grown enormously over the last six years, and I’ve struggled to keep all my plates in the air. First of all, it was comforting to see I’m not the only one in the same position–other non-profits are experiencing the same exact struggles.

Secondly, Kivi’s program allowed me to analyze what we needed to focus on and what we could let go.

Thirdly, Kivi gave me tools and ideas to put into place, some immediately and some within a few months, that created a better and easier workflow, allowing us to be more efficient. 

You will not regret the time, money and energy you spend on this class. It is an investment in yourself that really pays off!”

~ Jeanine Marlow, Director of Communications & Marketing, Cornerstone Preparatory Academy

Are You Ready to Join the Mentoring Program?

Please read the full checklist below. Seriously. Read it.

If you can agree to all of these requirements, we welcome you to join the program!

Participation Requirements for All

  • I understand that this is an intensive, six-month program meant to accelerate my own growth as a professional, and the growth of my nonprofit’s marketing program.

  • I will devote at least two hours per week to the program.

  • I will share my own experiences and knowledge freely with other participants, and I will openly seek their ideas and advice on my work, while maintaining confidentiality within the group.

  • I will participate in monthly online meetings with other participants, and actively contribute to the private online community.

  • I will work independently and with Kivi each month to make progress on the topic of the month.

  • I understand that the program costs $600 per month for six months, or $3000 upfront. I further understand that there are no partial registrations or cancellations. I am committing to the full six-month program.

  • My organization has approved my participation, including the required time and fee.

Additional Requirements to Earn the Certificate

  • Within the first week of each month, I will review that month’s materials and will commit to which activities I plan to pursue that month. I will report back on my progress each month.

  • I will spend at least an hour a week reading assigned and/or suggested books, blogs, etc.

  • I will participate in at least 8 of the 12 group calls live and will watch the recordings for any I have to miss because of scheduling conflicts.

  • I will schedule and be prepared for each monthly private call with Kivi.

  • I will actively participate in the online community, posting at least weekly on average.

When you reserve your spot, you’ll have two payment options.

1. You can pay $3,000 in full now, which saves you $600.


2. You can pay six payments of $600 each month, starting now for a total of $3,600. You will be charged every 30 days until the payments are complete.

Please note, there are NO REFUNDS in either case. Only register if you are 100% committed to participating in the program.

Mentoring woman

Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Low Vision?

Please contact to discuss the accommodations that would be most helpful to you to allow for your full participation in the program, including your preferred technology solutions. We will do our best to work with you.