Emma Morris Photo Credit: Our Secure Future
Welcome to the latest installment in our series on the “Day in the Life” of nonprofit communicators, where we ask you to describe your day in your own words.
We’d love to feature YOU in this series! Don’t be shy – tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.
Emma Morris is the Online Media and Communications Associate at Nobel Women’s Initiative. Prior to Nobel Women’s Initiative, she was Co-coordinator of the first Students Advocating for Representative Curricula Conference at the University of King’s College, a conference of student work centred on bringing marginalized voices into academic discourse. She is an avid half marathon runner, bullet journaler and Instagram lover.
And this is her typical day:
Before 8:00 a.m. – I start my day with a quick run before heading into work.
I try not to check work email or our organization’s social media accounts before I get into the office.
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m – I chat with my colleague about a conference we attended last week, then make a cup of tea and sit down to read and answer email.
I also use this time to go over our social media posting schedule for the day and prep for any morning meetings we have.
Today, we have our bi-weekly staff meeting so I prepare a social media and comms update for my agenda items.
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – From 10am-12pm, our team meets to discuss upcoming projects, office tasks, updates from staff.
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Early afternoons see me eating lunch and trying to get out of the office for a walk or at least to run some errands! Today, I have a quick lunch at my desk before I head out to pick up some decor for a celebration we’re organizing for a co-worker tomorrow.
Back at my desk, I reply to some emails, help a colleague with a web post she’s working on and go through photos from a conference we attended last week.
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – I turn to working on some social media posts for tomorrow before starting working on bigger projects, which I generally do at this time of day.
Our organization participates in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence every November, highlighting 16 women activists from around the world. This takes a fair bit of interviewing, writing and editing so I’m beginning the process now—and today, spent some time going over our timelines for the project.
I also schedule our annual report social media launch for tomorrow!
After 4:00 p.m. – After 4, my brain starts shutting off, so I usually tend to organizational, logistical tasks at this time of day. I chat with a colleague about some logistics for our annual report mailout and check my email one last time before I head out!
I try not to check work social media or email at home but generally wind up checking in once more before I head to bed.
Thanks for sharing your day, Emma!
Want to be featured in this series? Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.