Laura Nash
Here’s the latest installment in our series on the “Day in the Life” of nonprofit communicators, where we ask you to describe your day in your own words.
(Be sure to check out the 2:00 pm time slot for a great tip!)
We’d love to feature YOU in this series! Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.
Here is her typical day:
Before 8:00 am: On Tuesday, I get to sleep in just a little bit late. My alarm rings at 8:00 a.m.
8:00-8:30: Yawn, feed my cat, get dressed, eat breakfast and pack my bag.
8:30-9:00: Bike to work.
9:00-10:00: Clean out my email inbox, go over my to-do list for the day, fill up Buffer with scheduled Twitter posts, and check my website update schedule.
10:00-11:00: Weekly staff meeting. We start every staff meeting with a check-in question. On June 9th we talked about how we incorporate spirituality in our lives. (A more serious question than usual).
Our staff meeting ended early this week, so I helped one of my coworkers decorate her team t-shirt for the Playworks Corporate Kickball Tournament.
11:00-12:00: Prepped four photos for printing. (These are going to hang in a couple of alcoves in our office.)
12:00 – 2:00: Worked on an infographic comparing our grantmaking to communities of color in 2008 versus 2014.
Ate lunch at my desk (leftovers from a catered meeting that happened in our office the day before).
Listened to one of my coworkers practice a storytelling performance for SLANT Live Queer Storytelling.
Checked email and social media sites.
2:00 – 4:00: Watched part of a lynda.com training video on Google Analytics.
Discovered that someone in our office has our website set as the home page on their browser, so is registering as a bounce every time they go online (650 times in the last month).
Reminded everyone in the office how to opt out of Analytics.
Checked email and social media sites a few more times.
After 4:00: Left work at about 4:50 and headed to the waterfront.
Read on the waterfront until 6:15, when I had outrigger paddling practice.
Paddled until 8pm, and then headed home.
Ate dinner with my boyfriend and watched Freaks and Geeks on Netflix. I rarely do work in the evening.
Want to be featured in this series? Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.