Libni Sanjurjo, Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Community Foundation)
Here is the latest submission for our Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Communicator series. This series lets you describe your workday in your own words.
Libni’s Bio:
I began practicing journalism in a university newspaper Diálogo while studying for a bachelor’s degree in that discipline at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. After graduating in 2002, I did an internship at the newspaper El Nuevo Día. Shortly after, in January 2003, I began to work full-time as a reporter at Agencia EFE, where I covered the three branches of government, especially the Legislature, until 2006. Prior to 2008, I worked as a reporter for El Nuevo Día and as an internal reporter for Univisión Radio (WKAQ).
In that last year, I started working at Primera Hora, until 2017. During that long period, I added new skills to my career as a hard-news journalist, making multimedia reports and managing the website and social networks of the newspaper. I also stood out for working on social and human interest issues.
In addition to my bachelor’s degree, I have a master’s degree in History of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean from the Center for Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, where I delivered a thesis on the Jewish community in Puerto Rico. I also have a certificate in Social Journalism (distance learning at Periodismo.net) and certification in Conflict Mediation. I’m a former treasurer of the Association of Journalists of Puerto Rico (2008 to 2013).
After Hurricane María, I started to work as Communications Officer for the Puerto Rico Community Foundation, where I’m in charge of social media, web page, advertising, internal communications as publications, emails marketing, and multimedia, and relations with media outlets, among other tasks. For me, Communications are important for nonprofit organizations because help them to execute their mission.
She is working in both the office and at home and this is her typical day:
Before 8:00 am: I like to spend time with myself before starting to work. I cook breakfast and make my coffee while listening to the news on the radio.
After that, I drink the coffee while reading my Christian devotionals and meditate about it. Later, I read the news on my phone and get ready to start my workday.
8:00 am to 10:00 am: At 8:30 a.m. I write a daily to-do list, related to communications plans goals. But it is usual that new tasks appear out of the blue. So, I have to be flexible and work with the new priorities for that day; it helps me avoid stress and be organized.
Before starting with the to-do list, I read and answer emails. On some occasions, I visit organizations’ projects to document them (content, photos, or videos).
10:00 am to 12:00 pm: As I said, I write a daily agenda with priorities. So, for this period of time, I do the most important part of my job for that day as I write or start a project. It is because I’m a morning person.
As a communication officer, I have to deal with many tasks and before finishing some of them, I need to get the input of people in my non-profit and the final approval of a superior. So, I do my part and wait for input and approval, while starting another task related to social media, web page, internal communications, advertising, or public relations.
Right now, we are working hybrid format: one week at the office and the other one at home. I live alone, so it’s easy for me to concentrate on my work. I enjoy working alone.
12:00pm – 2:00 pm: I try to stay on schedule! To communicate with my co-workers, I use all the channels: Teams, WhatsApp, Text Message, emails, Zoom, etc. For this period (PM), I use to calendar meetings because, as I said, I used the morning for the task I need to start to complete.
2:00pm – 4:00 pm: I eat snacks around this hour.
After 4:00 pm: Generally, I work with the tasks less demanding before the end of the day, around 3:30 p.m. I also start to think about the agenda for the next day, based on priorities. Sometimes, I answer after-hour phone calls related to journalists or the Foundation Staff.
Thanks for sharing your day, Libni!
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