If you live in the United States, you probably received a notification yesterday from FEMA and President Trump.

While the system is designed to warn us in case of a national emergency, considering the political climate of today the memes started QUICKLY.

Brands also got in on the action including several nonprofit organizations who took advantage of the trending hashtag #PresidentialAlert to share their mission.

This was a perfect example of how to use a trending hashtag to get seen by more people. But before you jump on the next hashtag train, make sure you think about these things:

  • Do you know what the hashtag actually means?
  • Is the hashtag relevant or can you make it relevant to you organization?
  • Will my followers or potential followers even see this hashtag?

See What Brands Need to Know Before Hijacking a Hashtag for more.

And here are a few of the organizations who used the “Presidential Alert” hashtag:

Human Rights Campaign

San Diego Zoo

Denver Zoo


Working Families Party

How could you have taken advantage of this trending hashtag? And what can you do to make sure you can jump on an opportunity like this next time?

Published On: October 4, 2018|Categories: Social Media|