I’ve just pulled some preliminary data about how often nonprofits say they will mail their newsletters, and of course, it depends on whether you talking print or email.
Send Your Email Newsletter at Least Monthly
If you want to do what the majority of nonprofits are doing (61%), you should send your email newsletter at least monthly. 42% plan to send it monthly in 2015, and 19% plan to send it more often than that.
Send Your Print Newsletter at Least Quarterly — Or Not at All
25% of nonprofits will send a print newsletter quarterly with another 10% sending it more often than that.
But 32% say they won’t send a print newsletter at all.
Where should you align yourself on this one? If you have lots of individual donors who you raise money from, you should likely do a print donor newsletter and do it so well that it actually raises even more money from those people for you. (Tom Ahern will show you how to do that in the Donor Newsletters That Raise More Money training week after next.)
What Do You Plan to Do?
Please add your voice to the survey by taking it now. You’ll be invited to a special Preview Webinar on December 11, only for people who complete the survey. Everyone else will have to wait until January 7 when the report is released to the public.
P.S. To our U.S. readers, Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! We’ll take the day off and return on Friday.