What do you want to know about writing a marketing plan? Here are some specific topics that are fair game for Nancy Schwartz and me:
- Setting marketing goals
- Measuring success or benchmarking against those goals
- Defining your target audiences and sketching out personas
- Coming up with the right calls to action
- Developing messages that motivate
- Picking the right strategies and tactics
- Drafting a marketing budget
- Staffing your marketing plan
You can leave your questions in the comments here, or add them to our Facebook Page here.
After you’ve submitted your question, plan to join us live on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern (Noon Pacific), where Nancy and I will do our best to answer the top 30 questions in 30 minutes, rapid fire style.
We are recording the session, so even if you can’t make it live, go ahead and register so we can send you the recording link.
Add your question in the comments now!