The Nonprofit Tagline Challenge is still on! Send me your taglines for my safe-sex fundraiser and you could win free webinar passes. Details here.
Please give $10 to help stop the spread of HIV in the rural South. You’ve helped me raise $270 toward the $500 goal. Thank you!
Claire Meyerhoff and I will be doing our Magic Keys Radio Show and Podcast on the first and third Fridays of each month now, instead of weekly. Just too much else going on this fall! So join us next week, on October 17.
And now those other great links I promised . . .
I love this idea that Common Knowledge is calling Rapid Donor Cultivation — a series of emails that warms new supporters up to the point where they are ready to give. Read about it here.
The Communications Network points you to some good storytelling resources from their latest conference.
Jeff Brooks and Steven Screen are giving out a lot of great, free advice on fundraising via their Fundraising is Beautiful podcast. It’s a great addition to Jeff’s must-read Donor Power Blog.
Katya Andresen is looking for your fun graphs for the Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants next week. Make up a funny set of stats and graph them in Excel (or whatever). Check out Katya’s fun graphs on How to Raise Tons of Money and How Not to Have a Retreat.
Britt Bravo asked four nonprofit marketing bloggers (Nancy Schwartz, Katya Andresen, Nedra Weinreich and me) to evaluate the Social Actions home page. See what we said about it here. The major theme of our comments: focus on what your users want, not on the organization.
Wondering how much a good nonprofit website costs? Here is one set of estimates from Idealware.
Nancy Schwartz answered a ton of questions about nonprofit taglines on the Chronicle of Philanthropy chat this week. Nancy will be joining me for a webinar called “Short & Sweet: Boiling Down Your Message So Everyone Gets It” on December 3. Registration page will be up next week, but mark your calendar now if you want some solid tips on writing taglines, email subject lines, headlines, billboard text and other “microcontent” under 10 words.