Are you ready to try some new email list building tactics at your nonprofit?
Every year, you lose subscribers due to emails bouncing, addresses becoming undeliverable, or subscribers opting out. That means if you don’t invest some effort into building your nonprofit’s email list, it will shrink over time.
According to the 2023 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report, nonprofits still have plenty of ways to build their email lists. Other than sign-up forms, nonprofits aren’t doing much else to keep their email lists growing compared to the business sector, for example.
Everywhere you look online, you see both gated content (where you have to provide an email address to access the content) and quizzes (where you get your results or additional advice based on your results in exchange for your email address).
Yet gated content and quizzes are barely even used as email list builders by nonprofits. Just 13% report using gated content and just 7% say they use quizzes or polls.
Only a third of nonprofits report using a website lightbox or pop-up. We know, you may personally hate them, but when done well, they really do work! We strongly encourage you to give lightboxes or pop-ups a try. You can make them much less annoying these days and even customize the offer to the page they appear on.
Email is a great way to reach people directly without relying on the whims of social media algorithms. But to keep your email program strong, you have to invest time in both engagement and list growth.