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Want to squeeze more mileage from a great fundraising or advocacy email? Send it again.

Sending a fundraising or advocacy email again to non-responders — subscribers who did not open, click, donate or take action the first time — can sometimes raise as much, or produce as many actions, as the original send.

When planning a resend:

  • Only send a well-performing email. Don’t resend a dud.
  • If one of your campaign emails is falling flat, consider resending one that worked to make up for it.
  • Write a SHORT, SIMPLE lift note explaining the resend and adding urgency (see the list below for inspiration)
  • Try an am send/pm resend on a campaign deadline day (like Dec. 31) or a giving day like Giving Tuesday (this tactic has worked like a charm)

Here are some subject lines and phrases you can use for your resend.



  1. Are you in?
  2. Did you see this
  3. Don’t wait
  5. Final push
  6. Last Ask
  7. Last chance
  8. Only Hours Left
  9. Running out to time
  10. So close
  11. The clock is ticking. Will you help?
  12. URGENT
  13. You can make it
  14. You still have a chance


  1. Can I count on you to make a generous gift before the deadline at midnight tonight?
  2. Have you seen X’s email from yesterday?
  3. I didn’t want you to miss out on this special opportunity
  4. I wanted to make sure you saw this important update
  5. I’m in. Are you?
  6. If you’re ready to be a part of this, make a $XX donation today
  7. In case you missed XX’s email from last week, I wanted to give you a quick update
  8. In just a few hours, (deadline will approach or offer will expire), and we still haven’t heard from you.
  9. Midnight is just a few hours away
  10. Right now, we need you to step up and keep the momentum going
  11. Today’s deadline is the last chance to
  12. We need to keep pushing
  13. We need XX grassroots supporters to chip in by midnight to meet our urgent goal
  14. We only have ($XX or XX donations) left before we meet our goal
  15. We won’t be able to (do important urgent thing) without your help right now
  16. XX many supporters have already stepped up with a gift
  17. Can you chip in right now and push us over the edge

Got favorite phrases of your own? Help us grow the list by adding yours in the comments.

Published On: October 1, 2015|Categories: Email Marketing, Fundraising|