10. 5 Easy Hashtag Hacks for Nonprofit Marketers by Kerri Karvetski
9. A Great Nonprofit Annual Report in a Fabulous Infographic by Liesl Manone
8. Repeat: 31 Phrases to Use in Email Lift Notes, Resends, and Reminders by Kerri Karvetski
7. 7 Free Tools to Improve Your Nonprofit Marketing by Billy Attar
6. Five Clever Ways to Improve Your Thank You Letters by Kristina Leroux
5. Year-End Fundraising Resources for You by Kristina Leroux
4. Recent Facebook Algorithm Changes and What They Mean for Nonprofits by Drew Bernard
3. Sharing Your Progress: 12 Phrases that Give Your Donors Credit for Helping by Kivi Leroux Miller
2. 50+ Nonprofit Instagram Accounts You Should Follow Right Now by Kerri Karvetski
1. Hashtags for Every Day of the Week (Nonprofit Edition) by Kerri Karvetski
And, yes, we are very glad that Kerri Karvetski will continue to blog and train for us in 2016!
A big thanks to all of our guest bloggers this year!