Election years and the inaugurations that follow always include lots of talk about the “First 100 Days.” It’s a great theme that we use in one of our most popular downloads, The First 100 Days of Your New Nonprofit Marketing Job.
But we also have another “100 days” that is very timely right now . . . the 100 days that we’ve been living with the pandemic in U.S., and what your nonprofit has been doing during that time.
Here are a few examples of how nonprofits have used this theme.
The Sacramento SPCA worked with a local TV station that sponsors the Doggy Dash to produce this video. You’ll hear references to the good work that supporters have made possible during the last 100 days.
UNRWA USA referenced 100 days in its subject line for an email that talks about what’s been accomplished in response to the pandemic, with an ask for additional support during this crisis.

Save the Children took a similar approach for a series of email appeals using the first 100 days of the pandemic as the theme. Here is the first email . . .

Give the 100 Days theme a try and let us know how it works for you!