You don’t need to hire a firm in order to have a successful appeal letter.
You also don’t have to be an expert in fundraising. We know a lot of you wear many different hats and fundraising may not be your strongest point.
Tom Ahern has proven he can help nonprofits of all types raise a significant amount of money – especially with direct mail appeals.
Next week Tom Ahern joins us for his direct mail appeal e-clinic where he will show you how you can create a successful year-end direct mail appeal letter in-house.
This training has been the most popular training we offer and its e-clinic option consistently sells out each time. (Because of the personal attention Tom gives to participants, we have to limit the number who can take part in the full e-clinic to just 20).This training starts November 10th with our first training webinar.You have two ways to participate:
Option 1: You join us for a 60-minute training webinar where Tom will teach you the basics of creating a direct mail appeal.This training is $99 or free with an All-Access Pass.
Option 2: You join us for the full e-clinic, which includes a second training webinar AND a personal evaluation of your appeal letter by Tom during one of our coaching webinars. You also have access to a private Facebook group with Tom where you can post questions and learn from Tom and others in the group.The full-eclinic is $449. (The full e-clinic is still limited to 20 nonprofits and consistently sells out.)
Learn more and decide which option will work best for you.
Here is the full schedule of events:
- Training Webinar #1 – Monday, November 10, 1:00 p.m. ET (open to everyone)
- Training Webinar #2 – Friday, November 14, 1:00 p.m. ET (e-clinic only)
- Coaching Webinar #1 – Monday, November 17, 1:00 p.m. ET (e-clinic only)
- Coaching Webinar #2 – Tuesday, November 18, 1:00 p.m. ET (e-clinic only)
- Coaching Webinar #3 – Wednesday, November 19, 1:00 p.m. ET (e-clinic only)
All sessions will be recorded so you can catch anything you miss.
You can get all the details (including success stories) and register here.
We hope you’ll join us!