What are some of your favorite ways to save time, manage your time, or otherwise work more efficiently on nonprofit marketing?
I don’t want this chapter to be full of generic time management advice. I want it to be specific to the workload of nonprofit communicators.
Here are a few of the topics I know will be in the chapter:
– Content creation strategies that help you repurpose what you create.
– Using tools that help manage social media (e.g. syncing status updates, scheduling blog posts and tweets in advance).
– Keeping up with “best practices” (BTW, I’m sick of that phrase – got a better one?) and “big brains” (smart people you can learn a lot from), so you spend your time on what others have already proven is most likely to work.
– Some easy ways to measure return on investment (defined loosely – not just financial return) so you see what works best for you, helping you know what to do more and less of in the future.
– Prioritizing the typical list of communications tasks most nonprofits are trying to implement (e.g., I’d put getting your thank-you letters out above getting your newsletter out).
What’s your experience on these topics and others related to time? I have plenty of room for good anecdotes in this chapter, so please add your perspective on these, or entirely different time-saving tips, by leaving a comment on the blog (if you are reading in your email box or rss reader, click on the headline to go to the blog.)